Middlesex Masters Soccer League
Current season: 2024/2025 Indoor

Constitutional Amendments

  1. Review the current constitution , identify the Rule Number
  2. Draft your proposed rule change
    • Current Rule. current rule #: wording in the constitution 
    • Proposed Rule: current rule # or a new rule #: new wording 
  3. Send to the league by Feb 22nd, one month before the AGM


Example:  proposing a change to eliminate player cards, instead a piece of ID and stamped EMSA roster with photos 


Current Rule: 

Rule # 3.3

A player shall have in his possession the following documents, when applicable, to be eligible to participate in any game of the MMSL: . An OSA player book authorized and validated by EMSA, and/or a temporary registration permit, and/or a trial permit as per current OSA player registration policies


Proposed Rule Change:

Rule # 3.3

A player shall have in his possession the following documents, when applicable, to be eligible to participate in any game of the MMSL: . A piece of government issued ID showing their photo (acceptable ID: drivers licence, passport, citizenship card, health card). The player's photo must also be shown on a team roster stamped by EMSA.


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Recent Results

Division 1:

Ldn. America A vs P.C.L. A 2-11
Jagiellonia Yellow vs Serbia A 3-2
Ldn. Irish A vs Caribbean Stars 3-4
Jagiellonia Red vs St. Thomas A 5-2

Division 2:

Jagiellonia Windies vs Ldn. Scottish A 2-3
Curinga A vs Taxandria A 2-5
GCFC A vs St. Thomas B 2-3
Ldn. America B vs Albanians B 1-10

Division 3:

FC Romania vs Ldn. America C 3-2
Brazukas B vs White Eagles B 6-0
Exeter FC vs Ldn. Irish B 1-2
Croatia C vs Brazukas A 1-4

Division 4:

GCFC C vs Strathroy Utd. 3-4
Ldn. Scottish B vs Albanians C 3-0
Curinga B vs White Eagles C 3-1
Ldn. Athletic Canadian B vs P.C.L. C 3-0

Division 5:

Lucan B vs Turkish 2-3

Division O45:

P.C.L. O45 vs GCFC O45 3-5
Ldn. Scottish SC O45 vs Jagiellonia O45 0-9
Caribbean O45 vs Brazukas O45 1-8

Recent Cup Results

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Cup Games

Top Scorers

Division 1:

Hanner ALEMAN 23
Jason Moniz 20
Manuel Quinones 15
Gavin Docherty 14
Leonardo LOPES 13

Division 2:

Hamed Hosseini 22
Arbey Mosquera 16
Younes Sori 15
Graham Ansell 15

Division 3:

Felipe Mendes Gonzales 22
Carlos Abrantes 15
eyner caratt 13
Guilherme Dos Santos Marra 13
Everton Andre Gomes 13

Division 4:

Shkuhumbin HASANI 26
Bobby De Almeida 16
Juan P. Gil 14
Luis Garcia 13
Alfonso Lamadrid 13

Division 5:

Gorjan Stjepanovic 17
Sean Oostdyk 16
Adi Glavas 14
Frazer Azzoli 12

Division O45:

Matheus Felipe de Oliveira Salvalaggio 25
Victor RAMOS 22
Javis PERPIE 15
Mike Rompf 12